
MX Plural allows you to choose correct plural form of words in different languages. Languages Supported: Afrikaans(af) Albanian(sq) Arabic(ar) Belarusian(be) Bosnian(bs) Bulgarian(bz) Chinese(tw) Croatian(hr) Czech(cz) Dutch(nl) English(nl) Estonian(ee) Farsi(fa) French(fr) German(de) Greek(gr) Hebrew(il) Icelandic(is) Irish(ie) Italian(it) Japan(ja) Kazakh(kz) Latvian(lv) Lithuanian(lt) Malay(my) Mongolian(mn) Polskiy(pl) Russian(ru) Slovak(sk) Spanish(es) Turkish(tr) Ukrainian(ua) Vietnamese(vn) Welsh(cy)


  1. ExpressionEngine 2


<pre><code>{exp:mx_plural lang_id = "fr" qty = "1" str = "maison|maisons"}</code></pre>

  output: <b>maison</b>
<pre><code>{exp:mx_plural lang_id = "fr" qty = "5" str = "maison|maisons" pattern = "%d %w"}</code></pre>

  output: 5 <b>maisons</b>
<pre><code>{exp:mx_plural lang_id = "pl" qty = "5" str="dom|domy|domow" pattern = "%d %w" }</code></pre>

  output: 5 <b>domow</b>
<pre><code>{exp:mx_plural lang_id = "pl" qty = "1" str = "dom|domy|domow" pattern = "%d %w"}</code></pre>

  output: 1 <b>dom</b>
<pre><code>{exp:mx_plural lang_id = "pl" qty = "24" str = "dom|domy|domow" pattern = "%d %w"}</code></pre>

  output: 24 <b>domy </b>
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